Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy. But it can be hard to find the time in your busy routine.
The Move Your Way® tools, videos, and fact sheets on this page have tips that make it easier to get a little more active. And small changes can add up to big health benefits!
No matter who you are, you can find safe, fun ways to get active — to move your way.
Find tools and resources:
For adults:
Get moving today
Physical activity can make daily life better. So get more active — and start feeling better right away!
- Boost your mood
- Sharpen your focus
- Reduce your stress
- Improve your sleep

Ready to get started?
Use our interactive tool to build your weekly activity plan.
Get the facts
- Physical activity can make your daily life better. Read the fact sheet about physical activity for adults [PDF - 294 KB].

Check out our videos
- Don’t feel like getting active? Learn some tips for getting motivated [YouTube – 2:04].

- Too busy for physical activity? Get tips for fitting more activity into your day [YouTube – 1:59].

Read stories about boosting your health with physical activity and healthy eating
- Jeff gets active on most days and is trying to eat healthier. Read Jeff’s story.

- Cheryl gets active with everyday tasks and saves time with meal prep and shopping smart. Read Cheryl’s story.

For older adults:
Get active to age well
Physical activity can help you stay healthy and independent as you age. Being active can:
- Make it easier to do everyday tasks, like cleaning and grocery shopping
- Help ease pain and manage other health problems
- Lower your risk of falls — and your risk of an injury if you do fall

Ready to make a plan?
Use our interactive tool to build your personalized weekly activity plan.
Learn tips to get moving
- Did you know physical activity can help you stay independent as you get older? Read the fact sheet about physical activity for older adults [PDF - 1.2 MB].

- It’s important to get a mix of activity types as you get older. Read the fact sheet about different activity types for older adults [PDF - 1.1 MB].

Check out our videos
- Trying to get motivated to move more? Make a pledge! Watch this video to see how [YouTube – 0:31].

- Want to get active and get things done at the same time? Watch this video about making yardwork a workout [YouTube – 0:30].

Learn about eating healthy and getting active safely as you age
- John and Patty find creative ways to eat healthy and get active indoors. Read their story.

For parents:
Get your kids moving
You know kids need physical activity to grow up strong and healthy.
But did you know it can help them feel better right away?
- Better sleep
- Better mood
- Better grades
And when you move with your kids, you get the health benefits, too!

Help your kids move more
Use our interactive graphic to see how they can get the recommended 60 minutes a day.
Learn the basics
- Find out how your kids can get enough physical activity. Read the fact sheet for parents [PDF - 1.9 MB].

- Learn how sports can help your kids get active and build important life skills. Check out the sports fact sheet for parents [PDF - 1.7 MB].

- Help children understand why physical activity is important. Share this fact sheet with your kids [PDF - 1.4 MB].

Watch our videos
- Get moving as a family! See how you can get active together [YouTube – 1:55].

Learn about creating healthy habits as a family
- Luis, Camila, and their 3 kids are getting active and making healthy meals as a team. Read their story.

For during and after pregnancy:
Find your way to move
Physical activity is safe and healthy during and after pregnancy — and it can help you feel better right away!
- More energy
- Better mood
- Less stress
It can even make labor shorter and recovery faster. And when you’re active, it’s easier to keep up with your kids as they grow!

Ready to get more active?
Use our interactive tool to see how you can build more activity into your day. You may already be more active than you think!
Find more information
- Physical activity can help you have a healthy pregnancy. Read this fact sheet to learn more [PDF - 586 KB].

- After having a baby, it can be hard to get active again. Check out this fact sheet for tips to get started [PDF - 713 KB].

Watch our videos
- Add a little more activity to your week! See how you can get more active during pregnancy [YouTube – 2:33].

- Looking for ways to get more active after having a baby? Watch this video for ideas [YouTube – 2:12].

Get tips for building healthy routines during and after pregnancy
- Nikia stays active during pregnancy and makes healthy food choices. Read Nikia’s story.

- Joni makes time to get active when life is busy and takes the stress out of eating healthy. Read Joni’s story.

What is Move Your Way?
Move Your Way is a physical activity campaign from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote the recommendations from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Looking for resources for health professionals?
Move Your Way also has tools and resources for health care providers and other professionals. Check out the full set of Move Your Way materials for professionals.