Key Points
- National Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Centers (GusNIP-NTAE) develop and provide services related to grants under the GusNIP and Produce Prescription Program, including offering incentive program training and technical assistance to applicants and grantees to the extent practicable.
- The grant program makes cooperative agreement awards on a competitive basis. Applications are accepted every four (4) years.
- Eligible applicants are nongovernmental organizations, state cooperative extension services, region food systems centers, federal, state or Tribal agencies, and institutions of higher education. There is no matching requirement.
- The GusNIP-NTAE coordinates and collaborates across Federally Supported Technical Assistance and Evaluation Centers; convenes Food Is Medicine practitioners on relevant topics; and disseminates best practices.
FIM Opportunities
The GusNIP-NTAE maintains and continually improves the design of the instrument(s) and the mechanism for reporting for core firm-level and participant-level data sets consistent with the state of the science for food and nutrition security, chronic disease management and prevention, health care usage and associated costs, as well as advancements in the fields of nutrition incentive and produce prescription practitioners.
The GusNIP-NTAE also supports GusNIP grantees through evaluation and technical assistance, aggregates data from Nutrition Incentive and Produce Prescription Program awardee core metrics into the national sample, and analyzes these data to report results and impacts, and provide information on best practices.