Find data on Medicaid and Medicare enrollment, coverage, and Food Is Medicine-related benefits by state.
The Medicaid enrollment, coverage, and benefit information provided on this page can be used to inform decisions around Food Is Medicine approaches at the local and state levels.
Food Is Medicine Opportunity
Medicaid expansion state
Food Insecurity Prevalence
Enrollment & Coverage
1,565,297people enrolled in Medicaid in Maryland
451,214people enrolled in Medicaid expansion group
0-18 year olds
of Medicaid Members
19-26 year olds
of Medicaid Members
27-44 year olds
of Medicaid Members
45-64 year olds
of Medicaid Members
65+ year olds
of Medicaid Members
0-18 year olds
of Medicaid Members
19-26 year olds
of Medicaid Members
27-44 year olds
of Medicaid Members
45-64 year olds
of Medicaid Members
65+ year olds
of Medicaid Members
of Medicaid enrollees in Maryland are covered by a managed care plan
of Medicaid enrollees in Maryland are covered by a fee for service plan
Plans & Benefits
There are 9 Medicaid managed care plans in Maryland.
The plan types offered in Maryland include:
The data on this page was prepared by Health Management Associates (HMA).
Curated For You
Select Policy Pathways for Food Is Medicine Interventions
Find information about how select HHS policy guidance can support Food Is Medicine interventions within health systems.
Turning Policies into Action: An Overview of Medicaid HRSN Delivery Structures
This how-to examines the complex ecosystem of stakeholders involved in implementing Food Is Medicine programs through health-related social needs policies in Medicaid.
State Medicaid agencies increasingly incorporate Food Is Medicine (FIM) into their health care transformation efforts. This resource describes promising practices and strategic insights for advancing FIM in state settings.
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