The concept of active aging was adopted by the World Health Organization in the late 1990s. Today, active aging provides a conceptual framework for governments, communities and corporations to plan and implement multi-dimsensional strategies to improve the quality of life for older adults. Individuals can also improve their quality of life by being engaged in life as fully as possible throughout the life span.…


It’s a wonderful time to be in the business of promoting physical activity. There aren’t many issues in the public policy arena that enjoy such a broad consensus of support across political, social, and cultural lines. Everyone agrees that physical activity is good, regular physical activity is better, and a physically active lifestyle is best!…


The National Physical Activity Plan is a multi-sectoral blueprint for creating a more robust culture of physical activity. It’s appropriately aspirational, but grounded in practical objectives. Much like Healthy People 2020, it’s great strength is its ability to unite powerful forces of change around common goals.

But the magnitude of the project – creating a cultural shift of national proportions – can feel overwhelming.…


We who teach know that real education involves putting ideas into action. A science lesson hits home when textbook reactions are tested in the lab. Rote rules of grammar become the sinews of real writing. Similarly, we who advocate physical activity for health can do real and lasting good when we go beyond preaching healthy lifestyles to helping them become reality.…