Healthy People 2020, a federal policy initiative that establishes national public health objectives with 10-year targets and monitors progress over time in meeting those targets, includes several objectives under the topic of Environmental Quality aimed at encouraging an environment free of hazards, such as secondhand smoke, carbon monoxide, allergens, lead, and toxic chemicals, to help prevent disease and other health problems. A new story from Healthy People 2020’s Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? monthly bulletin shows how, with support from the Partnership for a Tobacco-Free Maine along with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the City of Portland’s Breathe Easy Coalition of Maine, several private and public sector groups have worked together to protect residents, especially vulnerable populations, from the health effects of secondhand smoke. As a result of these efforts, nearly 5,000 Maine families have taken the Smoke-Free Homes Pledge since January 2008. Read the full story on