Thursday April 25, 2019 | 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET | Register Now
Join us on Thursday, April 25 at 1:00 p.m. ET to learn about using laws and policies as levers that can serve as tools for improving public health and reaching Healthy People goals. A leading public health law scholar will provide an overview of the law and policy levers framework and explore the mechanics of how laws and policies can create and sustain environments that promote optimal health for all. Attendees will also hear a practical community example about how to use legal tools and authorities within a jurisdiction to address important public health challenges.
About the Law and Health Policy Project
The goal of the Healthy People Law and Health Policy project is to highlight how evidence-based legal and policy interventions and strategies can facilitate progress toward Healthy People objectives by improving community health and well-being. In addition to reports and webinars, the project includes “Bright Spots,” or success stories, that highlight successful policy interventions that have led to improved health outcomes.
The project is a collaboration between the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CDC Foundation, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.