Original Posting on President Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition’s blog: http://fitness.gov/blog-posts/whole-school-approach-physical-activity.html

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released a report entitled “Educating the Student Body:  Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School.”  With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the report committee was tasked with: 1) assessing the status of physical activity and physical education in schools; 2) reviewing the science behind the effects of physical activity on health, development and academic performance in youth; and 3) making recommendations appropriate with the scientific evidence.…

Cross-posted from the President’s Council of Fitness, Sports and Nutrition blog.

By: Karin Allor Pfeiffer, PhD, FACSM, Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and faculty in the Center for Physical Activity and Health at Michigan State University, Member of the PCFSN Science Board, and Subcommittee Member of the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report

In 2008, the U.S.…

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Mid-Course Report is now available for public comment until December 10th.

The Physical Activity Guidelines Mid-Course Report: Strategies for Increasing Physical Activity Among Youth summarizes evidence-based intervention strategies for increasing physical activity in youth ages 3 to 17.

The report describes interventions for increasing activity in several key settings where youth live, play, and learn, including:

Schools Preschool and Childcare Programs Communities Families and Homes Primary Care

We’d love your feedback!…


There are many great programs that help people engage in physical activity for a period of time – everything from group exercise classes to walking clubs. But in order to ensure that ALL people are able to reach the recommendations for physical activity as outlined in the national Physical Activity Guidelines, these programs need to be supported by policies that ensure that physical activity is within reach to people in their everyday lives so that they might stick with the behavior they are trying to achieve.…