Building a healthy eating pattern has major health benefits. It can help people reach or stay at a healthy body weight, get the nutrients they need, and lower the risk of serious health problems — like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancers. But, as you probably already know, patients may not know how to get started with incorporating healthy food choices into their everyday routines.…
Are you attending the ACSM Annual Meeting and interested in learning about the update to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans? See below for sessions featuring content from HHS staff. We look forward to meeting you in Denver!
The Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee is composed of 17 nationally recognized experts in the fields of physical activity and health. Today, we are highlighting Dr. Kathy Janz, physical activity epidemiologist at the University of Iowa in the Department of Health and Human Physiology and the Department of Epidemiology. On the Committee, Dr. Janz is a member of the Youth and Exposure Subcommittees.
Here are some troubling facts: babies born in the United States are about 3 times more likely to die in their first year than babies born in Finland or Japan — and the United States ranks last among 26 developed countries for infant mortality. In 2014, more than 23,000 U.S. babies died before their first birthday.