Excerpted from the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance website
The National Physical Activity Plan commentary series, a bi-monthly e-publication designed to draw attention to timely and thought-provoking issues in physical activity and public health, released its fifth installment March 2016. These opinion essays aim to generate momentum to advance the field of physical activity and public health. Each commentary will address a current physical activity and public health issue that is of interest to a broad range of people – researchers, practitioners, policymakers, community leaders, educators, and more. Check out an excerpt from the latest commentary by Loretta DiPietro below.
Physical Activity Policies are Healthy Public Policies, by Loretta DiPietro, PhD, MPH
The modern-day sedentary lifestyle, along with its consequent metabolic and cardiovascular complications has now achieved substantial public health prominence. This public health burden is not clustered solely among industrialized nations, but is now observed in developing countries as well. Public health policy has been an important component of health advances over the past century in the areas of sanitation, immunization, work place safety, automobile safety, and most recently, tobacco use. Unfortunately, the application of research to policy efforts toward the promotion of an active lifestyle has yet to be fully realized.
Read the full commentary here.
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