Today the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance released the 2016 United States Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Ten key indicators were selected: (1) overall physical activity levels; (2) sedentary behaviors; (3) active transportation; (4) organized sport participation; (5) active play; (6) health-related fitness; (7) family and peers; (8) schools; (9) community and the built environment; and (10) government strategies and investments. The indicators were graded using data from multiple nationally representative surveys to provide a comprehensive evaluation of physical activity for children and youth.
The results indicate there is a lot of work to be done. Only 21 percent of American youth meet the current Physical Activity Guidelines of 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day, earning a grade of D- for overall physical activity. The grade for the school indicator dropped from a C- in the 2014 report to a D+ in the 2016 report, noting that less than 50% of high school youth attend a weekly PE class.
Read the report and learn what can be done to improve the grade for the next report card.
The Report Card committee was chaired by Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk and included Dr. Russ Pate. Both are members of the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee’s Scientific Report will inform the next edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.