A thrilling new initiative of the National Indian Health Board (NIHB), “GO the EXTRA MILE with NIHB” greatly expands the reach of the National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP).

NIHB Executive Director, Stacey Bohlen, described GO the EXTRA MILE in a recent letter to tribal representatives.

“The GO the EXTRA MILE initiative is a result of the NIHB signing the CEO pledge, which is part of a national campaign to encourage Executive Directors to commit to supporting and fostering a physically-active workplace.


You may have read here before about the National Physical Activity Plan, but wonder how it can be put into action on a local or individual level.

The National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA) is a proud advocate for the plan, which is a comprehensive set of strategies, policies, practices and initiatives aimed at increasing physical activity in the national population.…


Like a lively puppy that is thriving, joyously active and everywhere at once, Let’s Move! has energized America with no sign of slowing down. In just a year, First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative has prompted families, individuals and organizations to take health into their own hands. Collectively, we’re eating better and finding ways to be more physically active.…