Use Healthy People evidence-based resources (EBRs) to identify interventions and actions that can improve the health of communities and individuals.
Communities, states, and organizations across the country use Healthy People objectives to set their own priorities — and you can, too. Join us as we work to improve health and well-being nationwide.
Our partners and communities across the country are working hard to help us achieve healthy equity and address Healthy People goals and objectives. Learn how they're improving health and well-being nationwide.
You can use Healthy People in many aspects of your work. Our graphic shows how — and offers tips to help you get the most out of Healthy People 2030 tools and features.
Use Healthy People evidence-based resources (EBRs) to identify interventions and actions that can improve the health of communities and individuals.
Healthy People 2030 provides hundreds of evidence-based interventions and resources to help you address public health priorities. And they’re organized into user-friendly topics so you can quickly find what’s most relevant to your work.
Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators serve as liaisons with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and make Healthy People happen every single day. For more information about disease prevention and health promotion efforts in your state or territory, check out its latest available health improvement plan.