Written by the Weight-control Information Network
Happy summer! Are you a parent or other caregiver who is trying to help your kids enjoy physical activity and stay healthy during the summer? With summer’s longer days and seasonal fruits and vegetables like strawberries, nectarines, and sweet corn, chances abound for you and your family to get healthier this summer.
The Weight-control Information Network (WIN) offers these ideas:
- Eat breakfast every morning to charge up your family. Then go for a hike or bike ride.
- Take your kids to a local park or walking path to increase their active time.
- Limit screen time on TV, computers, and hand-held devices. Take play outdoors. Jump rope or play hopscotch or kickball.
- Make sure your kids drink fluids to stay hydrated. Choose water or nonfat or low-fat milk instead of sugary beverages like soda or sports drinks.
WIN also suggests these tips for summer health for adults:
- Beat the heat with early morning activity. Go for a walk or bike ride (wear a helmet and reflective gear) as the sun comes up.
- Start a small garden in your yard or a community patch to exercise, grow healthy food, and have fun with family and neighbors.
- When the sidewalks sizzle, get moving indoors with a fun fitness video or DVD.
- Choose water workouts and make a splash as you get fit and strong.
Find more ideas in WIN’s Don’t Take a Vacation From Your Healthy Habits This Summer! This flyer suggests ways to be physically active, eat healthy foods, and stay hydrated during the summer. WIN also offers Parents … Splash Into a Healthy Summer with These Ideas!, a flyer for parents and other caregivers with ideas for helping kids have fun and be healthy. This flyer is available in Spanish as well as English.
Have you done something this summer that helped your family get healthier? Or something that helped you? If not, use the above tips to build a plan to try a new activity or fruit before the season ends.