On this page: About the National Data | Methodology | History
About the National Data
Data Source: American Housing Survey (AHS), HUD & Census
Baseline: 34.6 percent of families spent more than 30 percent of income on housing in 2017
Target: 25.5 percent
Methodology notes
Monthly total housing costs as percent of household income. The yearly housing costs (monthly housing costs multiplied by 12) are expressed as a percentage of the total household income. Household income is defined as the sum of the income of all people 16 years and older living in the household. This type of income is collected for every household member. The percentage was computed separately for each unit and rounded to the nearest percent, so 25 to 29 percent means to 29.49 percent. The percentage was not computed for units where occupants reported no income, a net loss, or no cash rent. The category 100 percent or more counts units with housing costs exceeding income. This situation may mean inaccurate income or housing costs data, or true but temporary situations. For most purposes, readers may wish to treat this line as missing or unreliable data.
1. Effect size h=0.2 was chosen to correspond with 20% improvement from a baseline of 50%.