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Common Core of Data (CCD)

Years Available
1986 to present
Mode of Collection
Census: abstraction of data from records.
The Common Core of Data (CCD) is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) primary database on public elementary and secondary education in the United States. The CCD is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and Local Education Agencies (LEAs). The CCD has two data content areas: non-fiscal and fiscal. The CCD non-fiscal provides an official listing of and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and LEAs in the nation, which can be used to select samples for other National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) surveys. The CCD fiscal supplies data about revenues and expenditures collected at the school district and state levels.
Selected Content
The CCD non-fiscal data include a complete directory listing of all public schools and LEAs with the name, address, and descriptive characteristics (e.g., operational status, type, charter status) for each school and LEA. The data also include aggregate counts of students in membership for each state, LEA, and school by grade and student demographic characteristics (e.g., race/ethnicity, sex) and aggregate full-time-equivalent teachers and other staff in key occupational categories that are commonly found in schools.
Population Covered
All public elementary and secondary schools in the United States.
All CCD non-fiscal data are submitted by states to ED through the EDFacts Submission System (ESS). ESS performs a number of format and validation edits on files. CCD staff work with states to resolve any remaining data issues. The scope of the CCD non-fiscal universe data include the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Schools, and the outlying areas.
Response Rates and Sample Size
Approximately 100,000 public elementary and secondary schools and 19,000 local public school districts were included in the CCD non-fiscal data files. For school-year 2018-2019, there were 98,780 operating schools and 19,289 districts.