Youth street dance at Family Fitness Days in San Diego, Ca


When we first launched the Be Active Your Way Blog, we aimed to create a space where professionals could share successes, ideas, and lessons about physical activity promotion. We successfully accomplished this through regular guest bloggers discussing promotion strategies, but we have decided it is time to kick it up a notch.…













This week we would like to spotlight Family Fitness Days (FFD), a successful, community-based physical activity program in Southern California.

The Program Basics

Network for a Healthy California – San Diego & Imperial Region works with low-income Californians, increasing their physical activity and teaching them the importance of living a healthy life.…


September 2010 is the first National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month (any time Congress agrees unanimously on anything, it gets my attention.) Making it even more official, President Obama sealed the deal in a proclamation. The designation reflects America’s growing, collective understanding of the inestimable costs the public health crisis of childhood obesity imposes on individuals, families and society.…


As was written in NCPPA’s recent blog, public policy is a complex process, involving participation from individuals and organizations working to influence those in position to make policy change.  Evident in the NPAP’s guiding principles (see below), the NPAP is a policy document at heart.  If acted upon, the policy changes called for in the NPAP will create environments that weave physical activity back into the fabric of American’s daily lives. …