Reduce infections of HPV types prevented by the vaccine in young adults — IID‑07 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 15.1 percent of persons aged 20 to 34 years were positive for at least 1 HPV type prevented by the 9-valent vaccine in 2013-16

Target: 8.7 percent

Number of persons aged 20 to 34 years who tested positive for HPV types prevented by the 9 valent vaccine.
Number of persons tested for HPV.
Target-setting method
Percentage point improvement
Target-setting method details
Percentage point improvement from the baseline using Cohen's h effect size of 0.20.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were not available for this objective. A percentage point improvement was calculated using Cohen's h effect size of 0.2. This method was used because between the baseline and 2030, the Healthy People 2030 Workgroup Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) expected to see reductions of similar or greater magnitude for types targeted by the 9-valent vaccine (i.e., the four types targeted by quadrivalent vaccine and five additional types). Vaccination has been recommended for males since 2011; vaccinated males and females who age into the 20-34 year age group will contribute to the declines.


Methodology notes

HPV infection is determined through laboratory testing of specimens collected from NHANES participants. Prevalence of the 9 HPV types prevented by the vaccine will be compared to prevalence in previous years.
HPV data is unavailable for 2017-2020 as HPV was not included in the survey after 2018 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CDC plans to include HPV questions in the survey beginning in 2025.


Comparable HP2020 objective
Related, which includes objectives that have the same or a similar intent to either a measurable or developmental/archived objective in Healthy People 2020.


1. Effect size h=0.2 was chosen to correspond with 20% improvement from a baseline of 50%.