Increase the percentage of adults who resume more than half of their usual activities 5 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation — DH‑06

Status: Baseline only

Baseline only

Most Recent Data:
31.0 percent (2017-19)

35.7 percent

Desired Direction:
Increase desired

31.0 percent of adults can resume more than half of their preinjury activities (with or without supports) 5 years after receiving acute inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury in 2017-19

Increase the percentage of adults who can resume more than half of their preinjury activities (with or without supports) 5 years after receiving acute inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury

Target-Setting Method
Minimal statistical significance


Many people in the United States are living with disability after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Providing services and support to help people manage and lessen the long-term effects of TBI can improve overall health, quality of life, and participation in society.