Health Communication

Goal: Improve health communication.

Effective health communication is critical to health and well-being. Healthy People 2030 focuses on improving health communication so that people can easily understand and act on health information.

Health information and messages are often overly complex, making them hard to understand and use. Health care providers who communicate clearly and use methods like teach-back and shared decision-making can help people make informed health-related decisions. These strategies can help improve outcomes, especially for certain groups — like people who have limited health literacy skills or speak English as a second language.

Making electronic health information easy to understand and use is also key to improving health and well-being. And news organizations and health departments can promote health and safety through effective communication strategies — for example, by providing complete, actionable information and using social marketing.

Objective Status

  • 2 Target met or exceeded
  • 0 Improving
  • 4 Little or no detectable change
  • 2 Getting worse
  • 0 Baseline only

  • 9 Developmental
  • 2 Research

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