On this page: About the National Data | Methodology | History
About the National Data
Baseline: 7.7 percent of children aged 17 years and under had ever experienced a parent or guardian serving time in jail or prison in 2016-17
Target: 5.2 percent
Questions used to obtain the national baseline data
From the National Survey of Children's Health:
The next questions are about events that may have happened this child's life. These things can happen in any family, but some people may feel uncomfortable with these questions. You may skip any questions you do not want to answer.
To the best of your knowledge, has this child EVER experienced any of the following?Parent or guardian served time in jail or prison?
- Yes
- No
Methodology notes
The National Survey of Children's Health is an address-based, self-administered survey completed via web or paper by a parent/caregiver knowledgeable about the health and health care of one randomly selected child in the household.
1. Effect size h=0.1 was chosen to correspond with 10% improvement from a baseline of 50%.