Check out these evidence-based resources (EBRs) to learn about proven, science-based methods to improve health and prevent disease. Use EBRs to develop programs and policies that are informed by evidence on what's effective, replicable, scalable, and sustainable.
Evidence-based resources related to Health It (11)
- Informed Decision Making
- Vaccination Programs: Immunization Information Systems
- Health Information Technology: Comprehensive Telehealth Interventions to Improve Diet Among Patients with Chronic Diseases
- Health Information Technology: Text Messaging Interventions for Medication Adherence Among Patients with Chronic Diseases
- Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: Interactive Digital Interventions for Blood Pressure Self-Management
- Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: Mobile Health (mHealth) Interventions for Treatment Adherence among Newly Diagnosed Patients
- Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care
- Patient Engagement Playbook
- The Guide to Getting and Using Your Health Records
- The 2015 Edition Health IT Certification Criteria
- Health Communication and Social Marketing: Campaigns That Include Mass Media and Health-Related Product Distribution