Status: Target met or exceeded
Most Recent Data:
deaths per 100,000 population
(2022) *
per 100,000
Desired Direction:
Decrease desired
deaths per 100,000 population were caused by an overdose involving heroin in 2018 *
* Age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.
Reduce overdose deaths involving heroin
Data Sources: National Vital Statistics System - Mortality (NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Population Estimates, Census
Overdose deaths involving heroin have increased dramatically in recent years. Many people who use heroin misused prescription opioids first. Interventions to change health care providers’ opioid prescribing behaviors can help reduce heroin-related deaths. Distributing naloxone to reverse overdoses and providing access to medications for opioid use disorder can also help reduce overdose deaths.
Topics: Injury Prevention, Drug and Alcohol Use
Workgroup: Injury and Violence Prevention Workgroup