Youth sports are a great way for kids and teens to get the recommended amount of physical activity each day and give them the confidence they need to succeed in life. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) is pleased to announce a National Youth Sports Strategy (NYSS) webinar: “Coaching Youth Sports: Tips to Keep Kids in the Game.” On June 25, 1 to 2 p.m. ET, ODPHP will be joined by members of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN) and NYSS Champion organizations to provide youth sports coaches with tips and resources to help young athletes get active, prevent burnout, and gain important life skills. Panelists include University of Delaware Basketball Coach Martin Ingelsby and former MLB Player Ryan Howard — both members of the PCSFN — as well as representatives from the Positive Coaching Alliance, National Alliance for Youth Sports, and U.S. Soccer Foundation.
Register now to join the conversation — and follow @FitnessGov on X/Twitter for updates on the President’s Council. You can also sign up for PCSFN and physical activity email updates to get the latest news from ODPHP.
Use the sample social media messages and graphics below to spread the word about the webinar:
Sample X/Twitter messages
On June 25, 1 to 2 p.m. ET, @HealthGov and @FitnessGov will host a webinar for all #YouthSports coaches! You’ll learn about resources to improve your coaching skills and how you can make sports safe, fun, and inclusive for all kids. Register today:
#YouthSports can teach valuable lessons on and off the field. If you’re a coach and you’re looking for tips to empower young athletes, join @HealthGov, @FitnessGov, @ussoccerfndn, @PositiveCoachUS, and @NAYS_edu for a webinar on June 25! Sign up today:
Sample Facebook and LinkedIn messages
Take your coaching skills to the next level by joining the National Youth Sports Strategy webinar! On June 25, 1 to 2 p.m. ET, you’ll learn how to give young athletes the support they need to stay in the game. Register now and share with other coaches:
#YouthSports can teach valuable lessons on and off the field. If you’re a coach and you’re looking for tips and resources to empower young athletes, register for the National Youth Sports Strategy webinar on June 25 at 1 p.m. ET. You’ll also hear from former MLB player Ryan Howard, University of Delaware basketball coach Martin Ingelsby, and NYSS Champions! Sign up today: