Healthy Aging

Promoting health and preventing disease across the lifespan is the key to staying healthy as we age. That’s why healthy aging is a national priority for ODPHP — and why we support initiatives designed to help all people live longer and stay healthy.

News & Announcements

This National Nutrition Month®, Let’s Promote Healthy Eating for Older Adults

This blog post is part of our quarterly series highlighting important healthy aging topics, key resources, and organizations working for and with older adults.March is National Nutrition Month® — and as we age, healthy eating habits are as important as ever. Eating nutritious foods can help older adults manage chronic health conditions and lower their risk of serious health problems like heart attack and stroke...

Read more about This National Nutrition Month®, Let’s Promote Healthy Eating for Older Adults
Check out all blog posts about Healthy Aging

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A woman has her hands on an older woman's shoulders as they smile at each other.

About Healthy Aging

Healthy aging is a lifelong process — and prioritizing the health of older adults has benefits for all parts of society. Learn how ODPHP promotes healthy aging across the lifespan. 

Explore the About Healthy Aging page.

An older woman seated among others raises her hand.

Healthy Aging Resources

From relevant national objectives to resources on physical activity and nutrition, we have materials to support your work for and with older adults — and we’ve collected them all in one place.

Browse Healthy Aging Resources.

Three older men wearing athletic gear smile with arms over each other's shoulders.

Healthy Aging Events

ODPHP regularly hosts events to highlight successful approaches to healthy aging — and encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among professionals.

Download reports from past Healthy Aging Events.

An older woman smiles at a younger woman as they cook together.

Healthy Aging Custom List

Healthy People 2030 features a variety of objectives related to helping people stay healthy as they age. We've compiled those objectives into a custom list so they're easy for you to reference and track.

Check out the Healthy People 2030 Healthy Aging Custom List.