Healthy People 2030 Seeks Public Input on Proposed New Objective

HHS is seeking written comments on a proposed new objective for Healthy People 2030. HHS invites members of the public — both individuals and organizations — to provide comments about the new objective for HHS to consider. HHS previously added four new objectives to Healthy People 2030 to reflect feedback from public comments received in January 2022.

Public comments informed the development of Healthy People 2030. Continuing to solicit and receive periodic public input throughout the decade will ensure the initiative reflects current public health priorities and areas of public interest.

HHS will accept written comments through 11:59 p.m. ET on December 2, 2022. All written comments must be submitted by email to For complete details about this request for comments, please review the full Federal Register Notice (FRN).

The proposed new objective was developed by one of the Healthy People 2030 workgroups, which are led by subject matter experts in various federal government agencies. The Healthy People Federal Interagency Workgroup (FIW) has reviewed the objective. The proposed new objective is:

  • Social Determinants of Health-NEW-07: Increase the proportion of the voting age citizens who vote. (Data Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

This objective is currently a research objective, SDOH-R02. Transitioning the objective to core status will allow a target to be established and progress toward achieving the target to be tracked.

The updated set of Healthy People 2030 objectives will be added to the Healthy People 2030 site and will reflect further review and deliberation by Healthy People workgroups, the FIW, and other federal subject matter experts.

HHS also invites the public to propose additional core, developmental, or research objectives that address critical public health issues. Proposed new objectives must meet all the objective selection criteria, as outlined in the FRN.

Since 1980, the Healthy People initiative has established overarching goals and measurable objectives to improve the health and well-being of people nationwide. At the beginning of every decade, HHS launches a new iteration of the initiative that addresses the latest public health priorities and challenges. Healthy People 2030 is the initiative’s fifth iteration.

Categories: News & Announcements, Spotlight

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