Healthy People

Since 1980, the Healthy People initiative has set measurable objectives to improve the health and well-being of people nationwide. At the beginning of every decade, we launch a new iteration of the initiative that addresses the latest public health priorities and challenges. 

Healthy People 2030 is the initiative’s fifth iteration.

Go to Healthy People 2030

The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Celebrates 20 Years of Uniting Transportation Efforts across the Federal Government

Veronica Vanterpool

For millions across the country, safe and reliable transportation to healthcare is critical, especially for people with disabilities. Without reliable transportation, older adults regularly miss critical medical appointments. Without a ride to the pharmacy, Americans without cars forgo taking essential medications. To take on these challenges, the federal government has invested in providing transportation and mobility options for older adults facing challenges and is working to synchronize how federal programs can better meet their needs.

Explore the new Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators Infographics

Healthy People 2030.

Healthy People Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) reflect major causes of death and disease in the United States. They track health conditions like diabetes, cancer, and obesity, as well as social determinants of health like employment, environmental health, education, and food insecurity. Together, LHIs cover every stage of life...

Partnership for Healthy Communities: Building Bridges Between Communities and the University of Delaware

Healthy People 2030.

This blog post is part of our quarterly series highlighting the work of Healthy People 2030 Champion organizations. Healthy People 2030 Champions are organizations recognized for their work to improve the health and well-being of people in their communities and to help achieve Healthy People 2030’s goals...