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About the Playbook

In the Move Your Way Community® Playbook, you’ll find lots of practical guidance about implementing Move Your Way at the local level — including tips to help you:

  • Connect with local partners and find new ways to collaborate
  • Brainstorm creative implementation strategies
  • Secure funding and leverage existing community resources
  • Engage with community members through events and social media activities
  • Evaluate your activities to improve future physical activity initiatives

You can adapt your approach to match your organization’s needs and resources. Whether you’re implementing a long- or short-term community-wide campaign, planning a big community event, or handing out Move Your Way fact sheets at a local health fair, you can find an approach that works for you. 

Want to learn more about how the playbook can help you use Move Your Way in your community? Check out the How to Get Your Community Moving with Move Your Way video clip — and share it with your team and potential partners.

Community-based initiatives make a difference

People are getting active at a Move Your Way event in Southern Nevada.

Research shows that community-based physical activity initiatives can achieve longer-lasting behavior change than strategies that focus on individual behavior alone. Through cross-sector collaboration, communities can make it easier for people to be active where they live, learn, work, and play. That’s why the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) designed the Move Your Way campaign and playbook using a community-based prevention marketing framework.

Community-based prevention marketing uses principles of social marketing and community organizing to work with communities — not just in communities — to build effective public health initiatives.

Since 2019, ODPHP has collaborated with 10 different local health departments and community organizations to pilot test and evaluate this implementation strategy. This playbook incorporates successful strategies and lessons learned from these pilot communities so you can build on their achievements. Learn about what the Move Your Way campaign looked like in the pilot communities.

Continue to Phase 1: Planning & Strategy Development

< Back to Community Playbook overview

Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS encourages organizations and individuals to download, print, and distribute Move Your Way materials. You can swap out photos or add your organization’s logo through the CDC State and Community Health Media Center. If you have questions about using Move Your Way materials or want to create your own, please contact us.