Between October 18–21, this website will move to a new web address (from to During that time, some functions might not work as expected. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we’re working to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Share Your Ideas and Stories

It will take all of us to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases and the disparities surrounding them. The Biden-Harris Administration continues to hear ideas and stories from all Americans on how to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases and disparities. We heard from anti-hunger and nutrition advocates, food companies, the health care community, and local, state, territory, and Tribal governments. We also heard from those who’ve experienced the impact of hunger, heart disease, or hypertension first-hand. We welcome you to continue sharing your ideas and experiences to help inform our efforts to end hunger and increase healthy eating and physical activity.

Share Your Written Ideas and Stories

We want to hear your stories and experiences with hunger and/or diet-related diseases. To submit your written ideas and stories, use the form below.

Create Your Own Video

Share Your Story
Record a Video

Tell us what hunger, nutrition, and health mean to you and your community. Record a video answering one or more of the five questions below to share your ideas and stories in your own voice. These stories and ideas can be used to inspire others to join the conversation and take action around hunger, nutrition, and health. Watch video submissions.

Answer one (or more) of these questions in your video:

  1. How have you, your family, or your community been affected by hunger and diet-related diseases?
  2. How are you promoting health, nutrition, and/or physical activity in your community?
  3. What are your ideas for ending hunger in America?
  4. What are your ideas to increase access to food?
  5. How do we create spaces that support everyone being physically active?