September 2023

October National Health Observances: Health Literacy, Breast Cancer, Youth Sports, and HIV/AIDS Awareness

National Health Observances

Each month, we highlight National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our mission to improve health across the United States. In October, we’re raising awareness about health literacy, breast cancer, the benefits of youth sports, and HIV/AIDS in Latinx communities.We’ve gathered some resources below that you can use to join the conversation and spread the word about these NHOs with your networks...

Healthy People 2030 Launches New Healthy People in States and Territories Page

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 is pleased to announce the publication of a new Healthy People in States and Territories web page. This new page provides an overview of the Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators, a list and links for most recent available health improvement plans for all states, territories, and island jurisdictions, and links to relevant Leading Health Indicators. To learn more about states and territories work to make Healthy People happen every single day, please visit