Healthy People

Cancer Prevention and Healthy People 2030: Goals, Objectives, and Implementation

Healthy People 2030

On September 14 the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) hosted the third installment of the Healthy People 2030 Webinar Series, Cancer Prevention and Healthy People 2030: Goals, Objectives, and Implementation.

K-State Research and Extension and Healthy People: Helping Kansans Access Nutritious Foods

Healthy People 2020.

This post describes how K-State Research and Extension, a Healthy People 2030 Champion ,contributed to progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives—as well as Healthy People 2030 objectives under the social determinants of health domain Economic Stability.

Let’s Talk About Talking About Healthy Aging

Director's Blog Thumbnail

Contemporary approaches to healthy living, with an increasing attentiveness to social determinants of health and the Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being, hold potential — even real promise — to provide us with longer and greater-quality lives, especially through our later years. Focusing and sustaining meaningful action in support of that potential — that promise — requires a broader perspective on healthy aging and an open and inclusive conversation on the subject.

Become a Healthy People 2030 Champion!

Official Healthy People 2030 Champions web badge.

We know that improving health, eliminating health disparities, and advancing health equity requires coordination and collaboration with organizations nationwide. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to become a Healthy People 2030 Champion!