Healthy People

Preventing and Treating High Blood Pressure Is About More Than Just the Numbers

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The old adage should always apply: Treat the person and not the disease. Preventing, identifying, and treating hypertension should be about much more than just measuring blood pressure and prescribing medicine. Instead, addressing high blood pressure should be an exemplar of comprehensive, person-centered care — promoting greater overall health, well-being, and personal resilience.

Equity and Enhanced Individual and Community Resilience Are Integral to a Meaningful Recovery

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Health and well-being are essential to individual and community resilience and thriving. Promoting enhanced individual and community resilience is foundational to equitable long-term recovery and resilience for the nation. It is also central to ODPHP’s mission of encouraging all Americans to lead healthy and active lives.

Reaching Kids Where They Are — Classroom-Based Interventions to Increase Physical Activity

In this post, the author describes recommendations from the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) for classroom- and school-based interventions to increase physical activity.