March 2024

What 2 Healthy People 2030 Objectives Tell Us About the Nation’s Nutrition

Healthy People 2030

When it comes to healthy diets, the science says to eat more vegetables and consume less sugar. Nutrition is key to health and well-being, but as Healthy People 2030 data indicate, we’ve got more work to do — especially when you consider that most American diets don’t align with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County and ODPHP Share Tips to Get Older Adults Moving

In July 2023, ODPHP joined forces with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) to host a webinar called Increasing Physical Activity Among Older Adults: Practical Strategies from Health Departments. As part of the webinar, local health departments presented strategies they use to encourage older adults to get active...

Tools to Help Consumers Eat Healthy on a Budget

Text reading "Join ODPHP as we celebrate nutrition!". On the right side there are icons of various fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition is a thread that runs through all the work we do at ODPHP — because we know that maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a critical way to prevent disease and promote good health. As the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans tells us, there is substantial evidence that healthy diets can improve health and reduce the risk of chronic disease over the course of one’s life...

University of California San Francisco Cardiac Rehab: Providing Comprehensive Support to Help People with Heart Disease Improve Their Health

This blog post is part of a spotlight series featuring examples of programs and community design changes that get older adults moving. The posts were first published as part of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults and highlight ways to apply strategies from the report in different settings.